And that winner is Luce! Thank you so much to everyone for all your lovely recommendations, as I've had so much fun looking through all the shades. Of the suggestions made, I decided to go for Gleam and Honesty eyeshadows and Faux lipstick, all of which were recommended by Luce, so I'm very pleased! I also got Bare Study Paint Pot and Strobe Cream which I am in love with, and consequently, I'm looking very glowy!
I didn't end up getting my make up done again over the weekend, and just chose colours online which my boyfriend then picked up for me - what a good boy he is. I am thinking of booking in to get my make up done for my cousin's wedding in September, so if I do, I will be sure to post pictures of that look. As for today, I am SO busy with work, hence no FOTD with these products, but I promise I will do one soon.
Luce, if you send me an email (address is in the 'email me' link - I know that's stating the obvious but just want to be sure!) we can arrange your prize! Well done on your top recommendations!
Image courtesy of dailydecorator.com
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